Report of NCA
AGM 6 April 2019 and subsequent Management Committee meeting.
NCA elects
new President, increases prize money for the National Exhibition,
issues more long service awards, maintains reduced charge for
affiliation and Public Liability Insurance scheme and keeps
subscriptions at 2019 level.
At the 2019 Annual General Meeting of the National
Council for Aviculture held on 6th April at The Field
Head Hotel, Markfield the Chairman, Chris Smith, welcomed delegates
from the Canary Council, Budgerigar Society, British Bird Council,
Foreign Bird Federation and affiliated societies. There were
apologies from Saviour Camilleri of the Canary Council and five
affiliated societies. The Management Committee meeting took place
after a short break following the AGM.
The Chairman’s Report
The Chairman opened his report with the sad news of Brian Hogg’s
resignation from the NCA on ill-health grounds. As a Canary Council
representative for many years, COM-UK Committee member, OMJ judge,
World Show judge and exhibitor, key member of the National
Exhibition Team particularly in the Old Variety Canary section, and
senior official of several CBSs Brian’s contribution to our hobby
has been outstanding and well-deserving of our admiration and
sincere thanks. The Secretary was asked to send a message to Brian
conveying everyone’s best wishes.
The eternal uncertainty surrounding BREXIT means
that DEFRA remains unable to state the future impact on bird keepers
especially in terms of travel with birds to and from the Continent.
The NCA/Canary Council ring scheme continues to
flourish with a current uptake of 1,500 rings from 28 fanciers so
far this year. Uptake has been reduced somewhat because the Fife
Federation are producing their own rings this year.
The Chairman’s request for consideration of
increased prize money for the National Exhibition resulted in the
following allocations being agreed by the Management Committee
following the AGM:
Best Canary £30, 2nd
best £20 3rd best £10
Budgerigars £20 for
Champion, Intermediate and Novice young birds
Foreign £30 Best, £20
2nd best and £10 for 3rd best
British £30 best, £20
2nd Best and £10 third best
Zebra/Bengalese £30
each (£15 for Best, £10 for 2nd Best, £5 for 3rd
Best Junior £20.
This needs to be highlighted in all schedules for
the National Exhibition
Further to the National exhibition a
proposal had been received from the Australian Finch Society that
the Foreign Hall should be allowed to lift their birds at 3 o’clock.
This needs to be referred to the Parrot Society meeting on 12th
May 2019.
Finally Chris reminded everybody that
this would be his last year as Chair of the NCA, but he would
continue as NCA delegate at SUN/DEFRA meetings.
The Treasurer’s Report
Ghalib Al-Nasser presented his Treasurer’s report
and balance sheet which revealed a smaller profit than in 2018 due
partly to increased insurance premium costs to the NCA by £6 per
society for the Public Liability Insurance (PLI) now that more
affiliated societies are joining the scheme.
The four affiliation
rosettes cost £4.52 plus postage of £3.48 per Society, meaning the
cost of affiliation plus insurance has risen to £55. However
Clubs clearly appreciate the excellent value offering £5m of cover
throughout the year for all their annual shows, meetings and events
at a reduced premium to them of £60 including affiliation.
Ghalib also questioned whether the insurance cost might rise again
in 2020.
Nonetheless the Balance Sheet is still strong and it was unanimously
The Secretary’s Report
Wearing his Secretary’s hat Ghalib then spoke to his written report
issued prior to the meeting.
The Management Committee had met on three occasions during the year,
covering a number of topics including reports on meetings with DEFRA,
for example the new proposals on the Animal Activities Licensing
Bill (AAL), and the consequences of Brexit on animal and bird
movements; and the formulation of a General Data Protection Policy.
He commented on the World Show held at Zwolle, Holland at which
COM-UK entries and the number of exhibitors were slightly down on
the previous year. The show was again successful with a total of
24,863 entries from 3,342 exhibitors representing 23 countries. UK
conveyers Gary Mann and Richard Lumley were thanked for their
efforts. Brian Hogg and Kevin McCallum were awarded COM OMJ 10-year
Judges silver badges.
He welcomed Keith Barker as NCA’s new CBS Liaison Officer and
undertook to forward a complete list of affiliated societies to
Keith who is already receiving enquiries about insurance etc. An
order would be placed for new NCA display equipment for Keith to
Ghalib expressed his thanks to Chris Smith for the considerable work
he has put into the NCA, and to MC members, especially Dennis
Webster (Minute Secretary) and Barry Mills (Publicity Officer) for
their efforts over the year. When discussing further publicity
platforms it was decided at present to persist with the website
rather than commence with a Facebook or Twitter page which virtually
requires a dedicated operator to handle resultant communications.
The Public Liability scheme has proved extremely popular with 193
Societies taking up the insurance and affiliation last year and
currently 124 societies had already applied this year.
Many societies have applied for NCA Long Service badges, and David
Allen, Geoff Gradwell, Brian Hogg, Rosemary Lowe, David Paine, Ron
Palfreyman and Robert Read were added to the Roll of Honour during
The election of officials for 2019
Outgoing President, Dave Paine of the Foreign Bird Federation and
Zebra Finch Society then took over proceedings to hand over his
chain of office to the NCA’s in-coming President, Bernard Williams,
well-known British Bird and Hybrid expert.
David had been honoured to be President in 2018 and had enjoyed his
year. He wished Bernard an equally good year ahead. Bernard Williams
thanked the NCA for the honour of the 2019 Presidency and thanked
Dave Paine for his contribution in 2018.
David Paine (outgoing President)
with the new 2019 President Bernard Williams
Looking to the future the nomination of Chris Smith by the Canary
Council for the post of President Elect for 2020 was unanimously
agreed as was the appointment of retiring President Dave Paine to
the role of Honorary Life Vice-President.
Nominations for the Management Committee were agreed as follows:
BBC: Bob Partridge, Robb Brown, Bernhard Williams.
BS: Ghalib Al-Nasser, Beverley Hutt, John Cosby, Trevor Terheege.
CC: Barry Mills, Chris Smith, Keith Barker, Terry Salt, Saviour
FBF: Dave Paine, Dennis Webster.
Another FBF nominee and a replacement NCA COM-UK delegate for Brian
Hogg is required.
The following NCA Officers were elected
from the Management Committee for 2019:
Vice-Chair: Dennis Webster
Ghalib Al-Nasser
Minute Secretary:
Dennis Webster
Publicity Officer:
Barry Mills
COM-UK members:
Robb Brown, Ghalib Al-Nasser, and Chris Smith.
Awards Panel:
Robb Brown, John Cosby, Dave Paine, Barry Mills (replacing Brian
[Regarding Awards the Secretary mentioned
that he had received a “thank you” letter from Sandy Innes upon
receipt of his Roll of Honour certificate. High Wycombe has applied
for a gold Long Service badge for Joe Edwards, and South Bucks CBA
had applied for gold Long Service badges for Saviour Camilleri, Dave
Allen, Mick Beckingham and Mick Stone. Hetton and Houghton CBS
nominated Ernie Scothern for a Roll of Honour Certificate. All were
agreed ].
Keith Barker (left) presenting Ernie
with his NCA Roll of Honour certificate
Paul Tiller FCCA was again elected to be auditor for the NCA.
COM-UK report.
(World Shows Zwolle, 2019, Portugal, 2020). The
F.O.I. (Federazione
Ornicoltora Italiani – Italian Ornithological Federation)
has made a decision to only have “approved” judges at their shows.
This effectively means that only COM OMJ judges are acceptable. UK
judges do not need to pass a test, and are therefore not approved
for judging in Italy. This will affect a number of well-established
UK judges, and COM-UK will need to generate a list of “approved”
judges. As a consequence of the FOI stance, Bologna has already
cancelled their 2019 show. It was agreed that the NCA would make
representations to COM-UK to deal with this issue at their next
For the 2020 World show the experienced team of Richard Lumley and
Mann will again act as conveyers.
It was agreed that NCA 2020 subscriptions would remain the same as
in 2019.
There were no Resolutions submitted and no matters referred to the
AGM by the management committee nor from affiliated societies.
Next Year’s AGM will take place at the Charnwood Arms Hotel,
Coalville (subject to availability) on Saturday 4th April
Date of next Management Committee meeting is Saturday July 6th,
starting at 10.30am.
[See the NCA website ( for application forms for Affiliation and PLI @
£60 for a whole year of £5m cover of all club meetings, shows and
events and 4 rosettes for your annual show. See also information on
the NCA’s various Awards and how to claim them…. some of your
members will qualify for these ….why not reward their efforts with
an award you can present at a club meeting? The Secretary can be
contacted on , or at Evenstar, Pinkuah Lane, Pentlow, Essex
CO10 7JW].
Barry Mills
Publicity Officer 16th April 2019. |