A Report
of the National Council for Aviculture Management Committee Meeting
BREXIT Agreement
is for the Birds!
At the latest
Management Committee meeting of the National Council For Aviculture
held on Saturday 15th December 2018, at the Fieldhead Hotel,
Markfield, Leicestershire, Chairman Chris
Smith reported that, although BREXIT continues to dominate the news,
its outcome remains uncertain. So too are its implications for the
Chris had
attended a DEFRA meeting in July where the official position
remained “no change in current procedures until the end of the
Transition Period in 2020”. However, bearing in mind that the
withdrawal agreement has not yet been agreed by Parliament, if we do
eventually leave the EU there are likely to be Visa procedures and
costs for people (and birds) travelling to Europe
Meanwhile the
Animal Activities Licensing Bill has been passed in Parliament but
trained staff are not yet in place thus preventing implementation
until further notice.
National Exhibition Success
The 2018
National Exhibition at Stafford was generally considered very
successful. Les Rance of the Parrot Society was pleased that they
had passed all their targets for the event. The contributions of the
NCA together with sponsors Johnson and Jeff towards trophies were
welcomed. The various specialist sections appreciated the additional
£20 donated by the NCA for each of the 5 Best in Sections and the
provision of extra rosettes.
New CBS Liaison Officer Welcomed
The Chairman introduced Keith Barker formally to the meeting
who was volunteering his services as CBS Liaison Officer following
the resignation earlier in the year of Adam Kendal due to work
commitments. Chris explained
the role of the Liaison Officer to be “a bridge between the
specialist sections of the NCA and the grass roots of the fancy”.
CBSs face an existential challenge – as do some specialist clubs –
communication between them all must be helpful. A full list of
existing clubs will be provided to Keith and part of his role will
be to distribute regular reports of all NCA meetings to all
affiliated clubs and act as a conduit for feedback. Keith was happy
to agree to this and was “welcomed aboard” by the whole committee.
(See NCA website for contact details:www.nca.uk.net).
Secretary Reports Good Deal for Members
Al-Nasser, Secretary/Treasurer, reported on the healthy financial
position of the NCA which currently holds working funds in two
current accounts with HSBC and Santander and a substantial longer
term investment in a Bond saving account with the Cambridge &
Counties Bank.
Contributing to this success has been the growth in sales of the NCA
Public Liability Insurance Scheme. Since the last meeting a further
14 societies had applied making a total of 193 applying so far for
this year. The scheme offers £5m PLI cover from 1st
January to 31st December for all a club’s activities
throughout the year including meetings, shows and fund-raising
events. Details and application forms available on the NCA website (www.nca.uk.net)
The cost
to the NCA of insurance cover for 2019 has increased because more
societies had to be submitted than were covered in 2018.
Consequently the insurance premium has now increased by £6 per
society. Together with the additional cost of the 4 rosettes per
club plus postage the reduction this year for affiliation and Public
Liability Insurance cover from £65 to £60 was perhaps questionable.
However, the reduction should be welcome to loyal existing
affiliated members and attractive to new applicants. Given the
healthy state of NCA funds the reduction is justifiable and
represents good value to members.
NCA Presence at
Exhibitions Increases
Exhibitions attended in 2018 thus far: Highclere Castle in May,
Surrey County Show, Stafford Spring Show, the PS Stafford Summer
Show, the National at Stafford in October and the PS Stafford Show
in early December.
The now
defunct Maidstone Club show has been replaced in 2nd week
of December at the same venue with a Sales Day and Show sponsored by
C&AB. In 2018 there was a promising entry including a large British
Bird section, 50 or more Norwich canaries, and 50 Old Varieties.
This will be added to the above list of events at which the NCA will
have a stand in 2019.
The new
“pop-up” banners have proved most effective and easy to house and
transport. The former, more substantial stand is in need of some
repair but could still be useful. Agreed to supply this together
with supplies of booklets to Keith Barker, the newly-appointed CBS
Liaison Officer for display in his local area of North East and
NCA Awards
to Loyal Members
The NCA is
proud to recognise the service of bird keepers to the fancy in many
roles from loyal club members stewarding and catering at shows, to
specialist breeders of exhibition birds or rare varieties, holders
of club offices, local, national and international judges,
conservationists and genuine bird lovers who have contributed to the
hobby of bird keeping. There is no charge for any NCA award.
Since our
last meeting in July the following societies have applied for
various NCA Awards as listed and were unanimously approved:
Valley CBS – Bronze badge to Charlie Munro and Silver badges to
Mike Davies, Brian Forbes, Pete Jones & John Munro.
Bengalese Fanciers Association – Roll of Honour to Geoff Gradwell
Council - Roll of Honour to David Allen

David Allan receiving his NCA
Roll of Honour Certificate from Chris Smith, NCA Chairman
North East
Lizard Canary Club - Roll of Honour & Gold badge to Sandy Innes
Members of
NCA affiliated CBS societies or of the four parent bodies – The
British Bird Council, the Budgerigar Society, The Canary Council and
The Foreign Bird Federation – are encouraged to apply in writing to
the Secretary for NCA awards as described on the NCA website (www.nca.uk.net)
COM-UK’s Man
In Cervia Reports
officials met prior to this meeting and Ghalib reported as follows:
Preparations for the 2019 World Show in Zwolle are underway.
The closing entry now is 25,000 from 3200 breeders coming from 24
countries. There are 202 UK exhibits and 39 UK exhibitors this year.
UK exhibits should reach conveyors on 1st January for
Vet’s inspection on 2nd January 2019.
the COM Congress held in Cervia, Italy on 28th -30 th September 2018
Brian Hogg, vice president of COM-UK and vice chairman of the
Canary Council attended the OMJ Technical Services meeting at which
the “Country of Origin” principle was defeated on a vote of 6 to 4.
This means that Standards of breeds exhibited at COM shows are no
longer the sole “property” of their country of origin and can be
altered upon official application by any country to the Technical
Services Committee who decide to accept or reject such applications.
questioned by Barry Mills, Chairman of Canary Council, whether there
had been further developments regarding the Yorkshire Canary
Standard and pictorial model Brian reported that no further
developments were discussed. He also pointed out that organisations
wishing to make proposals regarding Standards and Pictorial Models
must be affiliated to at least one of the UK national bodies i.e.
The Canary Council, The NCA or the IOA or their proposals will not
be considered. This was illustrated by the Gloster Council whose
proposed standard was not looked at.
It is
hoped that following a presentation by Huw Evans at the World Show
2019 the London Fancy will be officially adopted as an exhibition
A French
proposal to cut Parisien Frill toe nails was withdrawn but the
German delegate said this presented a problem in Germany where the
toe nails have to be trimmed. Hence German exhibitors have to have
two show teams (trimmed for home and untrimmed for COM shows).
Congress to review the situation at the next OMJ meeting.
The German Huppe crest to be no lower than a
straight line along the beak to the eye line. Birds will not be
judged if there are dark feathers below this line. Vote in favour of
the proposal.
A New Race for exhibition must have at least 3 major
differences from other breed standards to be accepted.
The Lizard
standard put forward by the UK will be discussed at the next
technical meeting in 2020. COM will put this on the agenda so there
is no need to re-apply but we will make sure it is in place.
Turkey wanted to remove the 10%
rule for clear cap and non clear cap Lizards but the
vote maintained the 10% rule.
A Gloster proposal from Italy for a points change was
defeated but the new Gloster drawing was accepted.
A Dutch proposal to change the Border standard was
defeated 9 to 1.
A Dutch proposal to change the Fife standard was
defeated 8 to 2.
A mistake on the Raza standard was corrected: length
to be 11cm and not 11.5cm. No vote required.
German delegate noted that the Bossu and Lizard have
no points for condition.
Correction of a typing error in the Lancashire
standard: length to be 21cm MINIMUM and not 23cm but birds under
21cm to be judged. A discussion of the introduction of variegation
in the Lancashire resulted in a unanimous NO requiring no formal
Frill to stand at 30 degrees to the vertical: vote carried.
Portugues Harliguin
change to be similar to coloured canary was carried 8 for 2 against.
5 more points for position carried 9 for 1 against.
5 more points for colour carried 8 for 2 against.
Only red mosaic birds to be shown carried 6 for 4
Decisions made
by the OMJ Technical Committee come into effect from 1st
September 2019.
This report from COM-UK completed the business of the
day. The next meeting was determined as, The Annual General Meeting
on 6th April 2019 at 10.30 am in the Fieldhead Hotel,
Markfield Lane, Markfield, Leicestershire LE67 9PS.