AGM 2016 Report

Ghalib Al-Nasser (NCA Secretary) presenting
Colin O’Hara with his NCA Roll of Honour certificate |

Dennis Webster (NCA Vice Chairman) presenting
John Ward with his NCA Roll of Honour certificate |
The Annual General Meeting
of the National Council for Aviculture took place on Saturday 9th
April 2016 at the Charnwood Arms Hotel, Coalville, Leicestershire.
Representatives of the four parent bodies (Budgerigar Society,
Canary Council, British Bird Council and Foreign Bird Federation)
were in attendance as the Council officially entered its 71st
year of existence.
Chairman, Chris Smith,
opened the meeting promptly at 11.05am and welcomed all present. The
minutes of the 2015 AGM had been distributed to all affiliated clubs
prior to the meeting and were approved as a true record and adopted
unanimously. There were no matters arising beyond those already
included in the day’s agenda.
The Chairman tabled a
written report to which he then spoke offering thanks to his fellow
officers for their help and support throughout the previous year and
for the honour of serving as Chairman during the Council’s 70th
Anniversary Year. He had a number of items of news which would
affect the Council during the coming year:
Firstly, the long search for
a CBS Liaison Officer had reached a successful conclusion subject to
the agreement of the management committee in its meeting after the
Secondly, the long-awaited
report from DEFRA on new measures for the trade in captive birds has
been published and legislation should be in place by the end of the
year. The Government is considering a new across the board
registration scheme to combat the illegal trade in birds and animals
entering the country which may impact upon the Stafford shows. The
question of cost remains.
Thirdly, DEFRA’s view on
what might happen should the UK exit the EU will be put to them at a
forthcoming meeting of Sustainable Users Network and DEFRA in
Bristol on 12th April, 2016. [see separate report].
Lastly, Chris explained how
he has enjoyed his two 3-year terms as NCA Chair but he would not be
seeking a third term after this year.
The Treasurer/Secretary,
Ghalib Al-Nasser, then gave his two detailed reports on the
Council’s audited financial situation and its achievements over the
past twelve months. The period 01.01.15 to 31.12.15 had yielded a
small profit of just over £300 compared to a loss of a similar sum
in the previous year. The interest payment on the investment bond
was improved as was the income from Insurance and sales of badges
and diplomas. The Council remains financially sound and the balance
sheet was approved unanimously.
As Secretary, Ghalib
reported on a busy and successful 70th anniversary year.
The newly designed diplomas were well received at the National and
by affiliated clubs and it was agreed to issue a modified version
during 2016 celebrating the Parrot Society’s 50th
anniversary. The management committee had met three times in the
year. The on-going concern had been the Government’s attitude
towards bird keeping in the UK and the consequences of a possible
Brexit from the EU. Chairman, Chris Smith, and President, Bob
Partridge, and the SUN organisation were the main players in
dealing with DEFRA. Chris was also to be thanked for representing
the NCA at major events around the country, including the Stafford
shows, and of course as a COM-UK official in 2016 at the World Show
in Portugal. COM-UK had entered slightly fewer birds this year but
received more medals (22 as opposed to 14 in 2015). The 2017 World
Show will be on January 20-22 in Almeria, Spain. As reported
previously during the year several Societies nominated fanciers to
be included in the NCA Roll of Honour and in the Hall of Fame as
well as for Long Service badges.
The new NCA President for
2016, Brian Hogg of the Canary Council, was inaugurated and in
accepting this honour he thanked the outgoing President, Bob
Partridge, for presiding over a very successful year .Bob was duly
elected to the position of Life Vice-President in recognition of
his work for the NCA. The President Elect, Beverley Hutt of the
Budgerigar Society, was unanimously elected to become President in
The NCA Management Committee
consists of three representatives and a reserve from each of the
parent bodies. In 2016 these will be:
British Bird Council: Bob
Partridge, Robb Brown, Craig Walker, Julie Walker.
Canary Council: Brian Hogg,
Dave Allen, Terry Salt, Barry Mills.
Budgerigar Society: Ghalib
Al-Nasser, Beverley Hutt, John Cosby, Maurice Roberts.
Foreign Bird Federation:
Dave Paine, Dennis Webster, Graham Lee, Peter Collins.
Paul Tiller was re-elected
as Auditor for 2016.
Rates of subscription
remained unchanged and two rule changes were approved.
Rule 10 (i) to be changed to
“Parent Organisations 3 votes each. The Parent Body votes to be
allocated so that each of the three members representing the PB has
one vote each”.
Rule 13(vi) to be changed to
“A quorum at a Management Committee meeting shall be 50% plus of the
members representing the Parent Bodies”.
The date and venue of the
2017 AGM were agreed as Saturday 8th April 2017 at the
Charnwood Arms Hotel. There being no other business the chairman
closed the meeting at 12.30pm.
The NCA Management
Committee meeting held on Saturday April 9th 2016 at the
Charnwood Arms, Coalville, Leicestershire.
The first substantive item
of business was the co-option of Mr Adam Kendall, a Fife Canary
fancier from Staffordshire, as CBS Liaison Officer. {See separate
The meeting approved the
design of the 2016 Diploma to commemorate the Parrot Society’s 50th
Anniversary and 600 copies will be ordered by the Secretary.
The Chairman has purchased a
supply of large posters from Belgium illustrating various bird
species which will be available for purchase @ £8 each plus
Election of Officers:
Dennis Webster agreed to
stay on as Vice-Chair and Minute Secretary.
Ghalib Al-Nasser agreed to
remain Secretary, Treasurer and Webmaster.
Barry Mills has agreed to
remain as Publicity Officer.
The Awards Panel will be:
Brian Hogg, Robb Brown, Dave Paine, John Cosby.
CBS Liaison Officer as
previously agreed will be Adam Kendall who seems eminently qualified
for the position.
The Secretary/Treasurer gave
an update of the various accounts and approval was given for
re-investment of a substantial sum into a savings bond. The Public
Liability Insurance income has increased but the premium tax has
increased from 6% to 9.5%.This still remains a valuable service to
the fancy and a source of income. Currently 43 clubs have applied
for affiliation and PLI, and 29 clubs have applied for PLI only. The
NCA has kept the cost unchanged for the moment i.e. £50 for PLI
alone or £65 for affiliation and PLI. Application form is on the NCA
website (www.nca.uk.net).
Dennis Webster continues his
research mainly through back copies of C&AB into the history of the
The Chairman reported that
there was now a response on the DEFRA Consultation but there are
still many details on ring sizes etc. to be sorted out. He will be
attending a further meeting with DEFRA on 12th April (see
separate report) at which they will be asked about potential changes
in legislation should the UK withdraw from the EU. DEFRA is still
reducing its staff and the RSPB seem pretty much embedded as “expert
advisors” in both Natural England and DEFRA.
The Chairman and NCA stand
will be at the National Exhibition (Stafford) again this year.
Transportation and other costs for aviary displays make attendance
at the London Pet Fair and National Pet Show problematic.
The Secretary reported that
he had received three nominations for the Roll of Honour and these
were all approved: Bryan Reed nominated by the Foreign Bird League
and FBF. John and Val Ward nominated by the National Bengalese
Fanciers Association and FBF. J.D.Ross nominated by the NE Lizard
Canary Club. The Management Committee also approved the inclusion of
Colin O’Hara on the Roll of Honour for his work in founding the
National Exhibition at Stafford. A number of other possible
nominations were discussed for future adoption. Details of the NCA
Awards Scheme and Badges etc. can be found on the website
The Chairman and Secretary
reported on the successful year COM-UK has had regarding the World
Show 2016 at Matosinhos in Portugal. Chris will act as conveyor
again for the next event in Almeria, Spain. A question regarding
exhibits wearing split rings as well as the obligatory closed rings
will be raised at the next COM-UK meeting. The funding of OMJ Judges
attending COM judges’ meetings could not be met from the limited
COM-UK resources.
Two dates were set for
further management committee meetings: Saturday, 2nd
July & Wednesday 12th October at Charnwood Arms Hotel
commencing 11am.
The Chairman closed the
meeting at 13.50.
