NCA Awards
Reported by Ghalib Al-Nasser, NCA Secretary & Publicity Officer
Cage Bird Societies that are affiliated to the National Council for
Aviculture (NCA) can enjoy benefits from the NCA Awards scheme. The NCA have the following
Awards on offer:
1. The Hall of Fame is
reserved for the posthumous recognition of services to aviculture.
2. The Roll of Honour
marks the achievements of living aviculturists.
3. Nominations for the Hall of
Fame and the Roll of Honour must be made in writing to the NCA Awards Panel through the
secretary, formally proposed and seconded, preferably by officials of a recognised
avicultural organisation on their headed notepaper, stating in no more than 150
words the case for an award to be made.
4. Nominees are expected to
have distinguished themselves in one or more of the following ways:
· For outstanding
contribution to the world of aviculture through inspiration and example
· For long and
outstanding service as an official or judge at club, national or international level
· For the
successful breeding of new, rare or difficult species
· For outstanding
success on the show bench throughout a season or over a number of years
· For work to
save endangered bird species and/or their environment
· For work to
widen our understanding of birds and their welfare e.g. academic research / veterinary
treatments etc.
· For the making
of an innovative product that contributes significantly to the advancement of bird keeping
· For educating,
informing or entertaining bird keepers and the wider public on any and all aspects of bird
5. All nominations to be
submitted to the Awards Panel through the secretary who will consider applications
and make recommendations to the full NCA Management Committee.
6. Diplomas will be issued by
the NCA for presentation by the organisations who submitted the nominations at their
A.G.M.s or directly by the NCA on special occasions.
7. The names of all successful
nominees to be published on the NCA website and in Cage & Aviary Birds Magazine.
The NCA also offers the Long Service Badge Award which is for any member
of any association affiliated to the NCA who is nominated by his or her club as a bone
fide member who has served that club for 15 years (a Bronze Badge), 20 years (a Silver
Badge) or 25 years (a Golden Badge).
Club Secretaries should apply to the NCA Awards Panel through the
secretary giving the names of members who qualify and which badge they require. The NCA
will provide badges free to all its affiliated societies.
The NCA continues to run a very comprehensive Public
Liability Insurance for clubs; covering all affiliated societies activities
throughout the year including shows. The limit of the indemnity has been increased to
£5,000,000 for any one claim to include all legal costs and damages. The cost of the
insurance to the affiliated societies, through the parent bodies, is £48 for the
years premium which includes 5% Insurance Premium Tax. For Cage Birds Societies the
affiliation fee is £20 and with the insurance cover is £63 (affiliation + insurance).
The NCA welcomes the return of the British Bird Council to
its fold in 2012 after an absence of one year and look forward to working closely with the
BBC and their delegates for the benefit of the British Bird aviculturists.
Clubs wishing to affiliate to the NCA should visit our website (www.nca.uk.net) or contact the Secretary Ghalib Al-Nasser
at Davies House, Spring Gardens, Northampton NN1 1DR (Tel: 01787 282332 or email at info@nca.uk.net).
The date of the next AGM is Saturday, 31st March, 2012 commencing 10.30am
at the Charnwood Arms, Coalville, Leicestershire LE67 1TB.

Secretary & Chairman of the NCA at The
Woking Event May 2011

New Officials elected at the recent NCA Meetings
Reported by Ghalib Al-Nasser, NCA Publicity Officer
The National Council for Aviculture held its Annual General
Meeting on 2nd April at the Charnwood Arms Hotel in Coalville, Leicestershire. The
Chairman, Dennis Webster, welcomed those who attended and presented his written report,
stating that he would not be seeking re-election to the chair after three years in that
position. He highlighted the current situation with regard to the formation of a
federation between the NCA and the IOA after the meeting held between the two parties with
officials from the Confederation Ornithologique Mondiale (COM) at the World show held in Tours,
France in January. He informed members that an agreement, in principle, was reached at
that meeting between the two parties subject to ratification by the IOA members at their AGM.
Because of the NCA affiliation to COM, the NCA was able to send a small team of 37 birds
to the World Show and the team won 3 medals; a gold, silver & bronze in the budgerigar
section. The NCA was represented at the Sustainable Users Network (SUN) with DEFRA which
resulted in the lifting of the 28 day rule which will enable exhibitors from
outside the UK to come and exhibit at our shows. Two new members were added to the NCA
Roll of Honour namely Rueben Girling and Barry Mills, for outstanding services to the
fancy and sadly two members; Bill Taylor & Alan Dunford, who passed away during the
year were added to the NCA Hall of Fame. In his final words Dennis thanked all members of
the management committee for their support to him over the past three years in the chair.
The Treasurer, Dave Whittaker, presented the Income and Expenditure
accounts which showed a loss due to the purchase of the Societys new stand and other
The Secretary, Dave Whittaker, also presented his written report stating
that the MC met 4 times since the last AGM and highlighted the fact that the Public
Liability Insurance package is still popular with 78 clubs taking up the offer and 36
clubs have affiliated. Other items that the Secretary raised in his report were similar to
that of the Chairman.
Members present unanimously approved the new Constitution with the
addition of the disciplinary & appeals procedure. A new rate of subscription was
approved to commence from 1st January 2012 with a reflection on tiered membership
depending on the number of members. The new rates are Ring member £5, Cage Bird Societies
£20, parent body with membership up to 500 £50, up to 1000 members £100 and over 1000
members £200.
The Secretary informed the meeting that he will be stepping down as
secretary and will not seek a position on the Management Committee. He informed the
meeting that the following representatives from the parent bodies will form the Management
Committee and they are; Foreign Bird Federation ~ Peter Collins, Dave Paine, Dennis
Webster and another; Budgerigar Society ~ Ghalib Al-Nasser, Gordon Grist, Alex Woan and
another; Canary Council ~ Andrew Triolo, Brian Hogg, David Allen, Terry Salt and reserve
Len Thompson.
Dennis Glasby was inaugurated as the new President and thanked all members
for this honour. Honorary Life Presidents were confirmed as Brian Hughes, Dennis Norton
and Charles Woolley while Barry Mills was elected as President Elect. Members present
recorded their thanks to the outgoing President Dennis Norton, outgoing Chairman Dennis
Webster and the outgoing Secretary Dave Whittaker for their past services to the NCA.
The Management Committee held their meeting soon after the AGM and elected
Chris Smith as the new Chairman and Dennis Webster as Vice Chairman. Other officers
elected were Ghalib Al-Nasser as the new Secretary, Dave Whittaker remaining as the
Treasurer but without a seat on the Management Committee, together with Minutes Secretary
Dennis Webster and Ghalib Al-Nasser publicity officer and website controller.
The date of the next AGM was agreed as: Saturday, 31st March
2012 commencing 10.30am at the Charnwood Arms, Coalville, Leicestershire LE67 1TB.
Clubs wishing to affiliate to the NCA should visit our website (www.nca.uk.net) or contact the new Secretary Ghalib
Al-Nasser at Davies House, Spring Gardens, Northampton NN1 1DR (Tel: 01787 282332 or email
at info@nca.uk.net).

Successes at the World Show by the NCA
Reported by Ghalib Al-Nasser, NCA Publicity Officer
At the recent World Show organised by the Confederation
Ornithologique Mondiale (COM) in Tours, France, the National Council for Aviculture (NCA)
managed to gather a small team of birds to be part of Team UK with our sister organisation
the International Ornithological Association (IOA). The NCA team did well by winning a
gold, silver and bronze medal in the budgerigar section from Fred Wrights team. It
was the first time ever that budgerigars from the United Kingdom had been present at this
prestigious show. The show received an entry of 23,121 by 2,826 exhibitors from 19
countries and a total of 2,351 medals were awarded at the show.

Mr. Wrights gold
medal winner in the budgerigar section scored 94 points which was the highest in points of
the gold medals won in the budgerigar section; making his winning bird the best budgerigar
in show had there been such an award. Other fanciers exhibiting in the budgerigar section
were Ghalib Al-Nasser, Roy Aplin, Roger Carr & Ian Ward who all scored with highest
points of 89. The small canary team was represented by the NCA Vice- Chairman Chris Smith,
and he too scored a high point of 90 in the Variegated Fife Fancy while Ralph Munday
scored 88 points in the same class. There is every opportunity to build on those successes
in the future; next years show will be held in Almeria, Spain.
Productive talks were held
between representatives from the NCA and IOA under the chairmanship of COM during the show
with the aim of forming a Federation called COM-UK. The aims, constitution and election of
officials will need to be ratified by both organisations at their next meetings to be held
All NCA Life Members and
affiliated societies will have recently received a copy of the proposed new Constitution
which included new Disciplinary & Appeal Rules with tiered and individual ring
membership and Terms of Reference for officers. This amended constitution will be
considered and voted upon at the AGM to be held on 2nd April.
The NCA continues to run a very comprehensive Public
Liability Insurance for clubs; covering all affiliated societies activities
throughout the year including shows. The limit of the indemnity has been increased to
£5,000,000 for any one claim to include all legal costs and damages. The cost of the
insurance to the affiliated societies, through the parent bodies, is £48 for the
years premium which includes 5% Insurance Premium Tax. For Cage Birds Societies the
affiliation fee is £20 and with the insurance cover is £63 (affiliation + insurance).
More information about this scheme can be obtained from the NCA Office, Davies House,
Spring Gardens, Northampton NN1 1DR.
More news can be obtained from the NCA website at www.nca.uk.net
