
Historical Discovery for the NCA
The Management Committee of the National Association
for Aviculture succeeded in holding its latest meeting on 12th November at Fieldhead Hotel, Markfield, in spite of severe
hold-ups on the M1 due to multiple accidents on the northbound lane between junctions 20
and 21. Several members, including chairman
Dennis Webster, were delayed by the motorway chaos but in their absence, Andrew Triolo,
vice chairman, got the meeting underway.
Ghalib Al-Nasser of the Budgerigar Society and Dennis
Webster of the Foreign Bird Federation were able to inform the meeting that the staff of
Cage & Aviary Birds had searched their archives and found the original reports of the
foundation of the National Council for Aviculture.
The inaugural meeting of the NCA was held in the
Waldorf Hotel, London, on the 8th March, 1945 just before the end
of the Second World War. One of the main motivations of the council's founder members was
to make formal representation to the government of the day on the re-establishment of bird
seed imports which had been suspended during the hostilities. They succeeded in securing
royal patronage and began the long and influential history of the NCA in the world of UK bird keeping.
The Treasurer, George Booth, presented a written
statement of the Council's current finances and progress made on the adoption of new
signatories to the various accounts held. The agreed signatories are the Chairman, the
Treasurer and the Secretary. Thanks were due to Charles Woolley of the Canary Council who,
as a former signatory, had proved invaluable in completing arrangements with the banks
The Secretary, Dave Whittaker was pleased to report
that the insurance policy available to all affiliated clubs will remain at the same cost
as last year. Clubs affiliated to the parent bodies (British Bird Council, Budgerigar
Society, Canary Council and Foreign Bird Federation) receive free NCA membership and can
secure insurance cover through their parent body at an annual cost of only £45. This
covers all their club's meetings and shows and liability caused by the negligence of their
officers. CBSs affiliated to the NCA through an annual subscription of £20 can secure the
same insurance cover for £40. For the average club this can represent a saving of up to
two hundred pounds.
The Secretary alerted the committee to the plight of
one or two affiliated CBSs who found themselves no longer viable and sought advice on how
to distribute unspent club funds when the club was officially defunct. This situation
depends entirely on the club's own rules. Should there be no provision made in the rules
then all paid-up members should be called to a meeting to discuss the issue and its
solution. The NCA has been the beneficiary of such situations in the past.
Andrew Triolo and Barry Mills reported that the first
stage of the work of the Bird Welfare Strategy Committee was complete and the document it
had prepared had been sent to the England Implementation Group for approval before
distribution to all relevant bodies, including the NCA, for consideration and comment. One
of the consequences of any agreed Strategy for Bird Welfare will be a revision of the
NCA's various Bird Keeping pamphlets and welfare sheets will begin in the new year.
The NCA was represented at the successful Stafford Show
in October with a stand staffed by Canary Council members Charles Woolley, Andrew Triolo
and Barry Mills. A newly designed display for the NCA will be purchased for Stafford
Spring Show and other similar events.
The Secretary was delighted to report that the
"Exhibitor of the Year" competition has been well received by affiliated clubs
and a steady flow of nominations are coming into the office. Results will be known at the
end of the show season and presentations made to the eventual winners in each of the
British bird, budgerigar, canary and foreign bird sections.

The National Council for Aviculture looks forward to 2009 to
consolidate and build upon on its 2008 successes. The four parent bodies (British Bird
Council, Budgerigar Society, Canary Council and Foreign Bird Federation) have worked in
close collaboration through some challenging times and have maintained good progress under
the chairmanship of Dennis Webster.
The package of benefits to affiliated CBSs and members of the
parent bodies now includes a very attractive insurance deal which can save clubs hundreds
of pounds. Winners of The Exhibitor of the Year Competition will be announced early in the
new year and the new NCA website (www.nca.uk.net) is developing well into a source of
information about the NCA and its activities promoting bird keeping.
A major success which will impact on the hobby for years
ahead is the NCA's on-going collaborative effort with the Parrot Society and other major
bird-keeping organisations which have established a draft Bird Welfare Strategy
which in its final form will underpin, if not determine, the promised secondary
legislation to the Animal Welfare Act which will govern our hobby. The consultation
document is now public and the NCA will be making its recommendations in February, 2009.
Thereafter the NCA will make its contribution to the
production and publication of the final strategy document and its subsequent welfare
guidelines for all bird species managed in captivity.It will also maintain active working
relationships with the other major national bird-keeping organisations because a united
approach is far more effective than fragmented efforts.
The NCA is also planning a new marketing initiative to
promote our hobby to the general public and encourage more people to take up bird keeping
as a satisfying and exciting leisure activity that adds to the quality of life of
its participants.
The NCA Management Committee wishes all Cage & Aviary
readers a very Happy and Healthy New Year to you and your birds!

"We know what the
future will be if we do not change"
The NCA Management Committee held its
third meeting of 2008 at Markfield, Leicestershire on 13th August which was
attended by representatives of the British Bird Council, the Budgerigar Society, the
Canary Council and the Foreign Bird Federation.
The Management Committee opened up
the debate on the future of our hobby, particularly the exhibition side, and how it must
adapt if it is to develop and flourish at a time of increasing pressures. Chairman, Dennis
Webster, summed up the reality of the situation thus: "We are on the edge at present
and we can all see what the future will be if we do not change. We have to talk together and work
together". He was referring to the quiet disappearance of specialist and mixed bird
clubs and their annual shows, many with long and distinguished histories, as their older
members pass away and the number of willing workers decreases.
This process is likely to accelerate
as show halls, travel and accommodation costs rise alarmingly and numbers of exhibitors
and entries decline. One way to avoid this is through co-operation between clubs on a
local, regional or even national level
as illustrated by the All Variety Canary Show at
Peterborough and the Bird Show of the Year at
Stafford. Pride in the
independence and tradition of individual clubs may have to give way to co-operation and
collaboration with fellow fanciers across club boundaries in order to remain viable.
Similarly, specialist clubs may find it useful to combine efforts with colleagues of other
varieties and return to mixed shows to increase interest and income.
Progress reports were heard on the
NCA's current initiatives. Firstly, the contribution of the NCA to the work of the English
Implementation Group which is preparing a strategy document for the future welfare of
British bird keeping. The document should be ready for consultation by the end of the year
and the various bird-keeping organisations involved are busy preparing welfare guidance
sheets for all bird species kept in a managed environment.
The NCA has set up a sub-committee to
review and update its large stock of information pamphlets on all aspects of bird keeping
relevant to its membership. These will be made available on the NCA website later this
year and will also be distributed in hard copy from the NCA stand at major shows. Many of
these information sheets will supplement the welfare strategy document being compiled by
the EIG.
The NCA insurance scheme for
affiliated clubs, which has proved very popular since its introduction in January, has now
been extended to allow first time applicants to the scheme to take up part-year insurance
cover for half the normal premium once their current insurance policy runs out. The NCA
scheme runs from January to December each year, offers two million pounds of public
liability cover for all a club's meetings and shows and cover also for liabilities
incurred through the negligence of its officers. Further details from NCA Secretary,
Davies House,
Gardens, Northampton NN1 1DR.
A new awards scheme for
NCA-affiliated CBS's was confirmed which would provide four rosettes per club for Best
Exhibitor in each section of their annual show i.e. Best British, Best Budgerigar, Best
Canary, and Best Foreign bird (NB:Foreign includes Zebras and Bengalese). Results to be
sent to the NCA office and the overall winner
of the most rosettes in each section over the show season to be invited to the NCA
AGM to be presented with an
engraved tankard as Best Exhibitor of the Year. It is hoped this will encourage exhibitors
to support as many NCA-affiliated CBS shows as possible in their area.

Welfare of Birdkeeping
is NCA's Main Priority
At its Management Committee meeting held on 25th June
in Markfield the NCA reaffirmed its commitment to the welfare of cage & aviary birds
and the promotion of responsible birdkeeping.
Chairman, Dennis Webster, presented a wide range of
illustrated welfare sheets and booklets relating to all kinds of cage & aviary birds,
which had been drafted some years ago by the officers of SPA. The Management Committee
undertook to review and update these in the near future for publication on the NCA website
and for distribution at its stand at major events. Hard copy would also be available to
affiliated clubs. A booklet entitled "Welcome to Bird Keeping" was most relevant
to members of the public considering aviculture as a hobby and would be given priority for
Andrew Triolo, Vice Chairman, and Barry Mills,
Publicity Officer, reported on the positive progress being made by the committee producing
a "Health and Welfare Strategy for Birds" which will be submitted eventually to
the English Implementation Group as part of the secondary legislation to the Animal
Welfare Act. Both NCA officers will be attending the last of a series of meetings in
Coventry on 2nd July at which a draft consultation document will be completed and
published in the next month or so by the Bird Strategy Committee to which the NCA as a
whole would be asked to respond. Other organisations working alongside the NCA and the
Parrot Society on the Bird Strategy Committee are the British Waterfowl Association, The
Hawk Board, The National Pigeon Association, The Poultry Club of Great Britain and The
Pheasant Association.
"Communication with existing and potential bird
keepers is the key to the future health of aviculture and the well-being of our
birds", Dennis Webster explained. "This means contributing to policies affecting
aviculture at national level, providing quality information to our members and responding
to the needs of the hobby through our affiliated clubs and parent bodies".
In response to a request from Grantham CBS raised by
Steve Nesbitt at the NCA's recent AGM it was agreed to improve communications with
affiliated cage bird societies by ensuring that within two weeks of all Management
Committee meetings and general meetings reports would be sent to Cage & Aviary Birds
magazine for publication, and placed on the NCA website and hard copy sent to the
secretaries of all affiliated clubs and the four parent bodies.
Secretary, Dave Whitaker, confirmed that schedules of
the NCA's new £2m public liability insurance scheme available for affiliated CBSs and
specialist clubs affiliated to any of the parent bodies had been sent out to all clubs who
had signed up for the scheme. Other applications would be welcome from would-be NCA
affiliates upon receipt of the annual subscription (£20) and insurance premium (£40).
The insurance covers each club's shows and meetings and protection against liabilities
caused through the negligence of officers. Specialist clubs should continue to apply
through their parent body i.e. The Canary Council, The British Bird Council, The Foreign
Bird Federation and the Budgerigar Society. Membership of any of these conveys automatic
representation on the NCA without further subscriptions. The insurance premium for such
clubs is £45.
All affiliated clubs are also to be offered the
facility to have their own websites linked to the NCA website or to have significant dates
and events for their club advertised on the NCA website. A CBS Liaison link is to be set
up at the NCA office with its own email address: (currently dlw76@supanet.com). All
affiliated CBSs are eligible for NCA rosettes and all NCA competitions and awards, details
of which are on the NCA website (www.nca.uk.net).
Further enquiries regarding any aspect of NCA membership can be made to the Secretary at
this email address or by writing to him at the NCA office, Davies House, Spring Gardens,
Northampton NN1 1DR.
Treasurer, George Booth, reported on a healthy
financial situation and informed the Management Committee of the maturity in the near
future of one of its investment accounts. He is seeking advice on the safest method of
re-investing the matured sum and will report back to the next meeting. After a
presentation from Andrew Triolo on the need to commence a proper marketing strategy to
project the NCA to a wider potential bird keeping population, it was agreed to set up an
initial budget of £2500 and to delegate the Secretary and Vice Chairman to seek new
marketing resources for use at major events.
After several months of research and legal advice
regarding the best status for the NCA, it was agreed that the best option was that of an
"Unincorporated Association". Our current insurance scheme provides liability
cover for the officers of the organisation and our constitution is commensurate with that
required for this status.
Having supplied every member present with reams of
printed material for review and revision by the date of the next meeting, the Chairman
thanked everyone for their contributions, set the date of the next management meeting for
13th August at Markfield and closed proceedings at 4pm.

AGM Report
Retiring Chairman's Contribution Recognised
The 2008 Annual General Meeting of
the National Council For Aviculture was held on Saturday, 26th April at The
Charnwood Arms Hotel near Coalville, Leicestershire.
The retiring Chairman, Sean
Fitzpatrick, opened the meeting by welcoming representatives of affiliated societies and delegates from the
four parent bodies (The British Bird Council, The Budgerigar Society, The Canary Council
and the Foreign Bird Federation).
He presented a written report of his
past year in office, the main achievements of the NCA in that time and his good wishes to
all NCA members for continued success in the future. The Vice Chairman, Andrew Triolo,
then took over the chair and conducted the remainder of the
AGM agenda.
A written report and financial
statement from the Treasurer, George Booth, showed the Council to be in a sound financial
position. The meeting was, therefore, content to accept the Management Committee's
recommendation to leave subscriptions at their current level (£200 per annum for the four
parent organisations and £20 per annum for affiliated Cage Bird Societies) for a further
year. Specialist clubs affiliated to any of the parent bodies are automatically
represented on the NCA without further subscription.
A particular financial benefit to
member societies this year was the NCA insurance scheme which provides at a very
competitive premium £2m public liability insurance for each club's annual shows and
meetings, including cover for costs which may be incurred due to the negligence of
officers. Specialist societies belonging to the four parent bodies can secure the same
deal through the relevant parent body at a cost of £45. Cage Bird Societies wishing to
take advantage of this insurance cover can do so upon payment of £20 annual subscription
and £40 insurance premium to the Secretary, Dave Whittaker, Davies House, Spring Gardens,
Northampton NN1 1DR.
The Secretary, Dave Whittaker, also
presented a comprehensive written report of the NCA's activities over the past year. These
included the addition of Terms of Reference to the new constitution detailing the
responsibilities of NCA officers; the establishment of a new website (www.nca.uk.net);
publication of a Revised Code of Conduct for Bird Keepers; the introduction of the Public
Liability Insurance Scheme; contributions of funding, personnel and input to the work of
CAWC and the England Implementation Group forming a Strategy Document for Bird Keepers
following the passing of the Animal Welfare Act; the appointment of Brian Stockdale MRCVS
as Honorary Veterinary and Scientific Consultant; a
package of services to members; representations
made to DEFRA regarding an alternative policy to instant blanket bans at the outbreak of
avian flu' or other similar disease in the UK affecting avian and human health and
The Council was pleased to re-elect
as its President Dennis Norton, Canary Council delegate and well-known Border Canary
breeder, exhibitor and judge. Dennis's wife Bea also attended the
AGM as representative of
In recognition of his steadfast
contribution to the work of the Council over several years of challenge and change
retiring Chairman, Sean Fitzpatrick, former
BBC delegate, was appointed Honorary Life
Vice President of the NCA. He is only the fourth person to receive this honour.
The Annual General meeting also
received the names of the members of the Management Committee for 2008/9: From the
BBC: Roger Caton, Gwyn Jones, Phil Shaw
and Bernard Williams. From the Budgerigar Society: Ghalib Al-Nasser, George Booth, Roger
Carr, and Dave Whittaker. From the Canary Council: Barry Mills, Dennis Norton, Chris
Smith, and Andrew Triolo. From the Foreign Bird Federation: Bob Clarke, Peter Collins,
Bryan Reed and Dennis Webster.
The auditor appointed for the year
ahead was Grant Findlay, Bank Manager and Member of the Budgerigar Society.
In the Management Committee meeting
which was held immediately after the
AGM the following officers were elected:
Chairman: Dennis Webster (FBF)
Vice Chairman: Andrew Triolo (CC)
Secretary: Dave Whittaker (BS)
Treasurer: George Booth (BS)
Further appointments made were:
Awards Panel: Barry Mills (CC), Dave
Whittaker (BS), Bernard Williams (BBC)
Minutes Secretary & Publicity
Officer: Barry Mills.
Website Controller: Ghalib Al-Nasser
Targets set for the year ahead
include a review of marketing and presentation; improvements in communication with
members; expansion of website services; completion of consultation Strategy Document for
Bird Keepers; appointment of CBS Liaison Officer; development of a Welfare and
Conservation programme.
The next
AGM will be held at
10.30 am on
Saturday, 25th
April, 2009
at the Fieldhead Hotel, Markfield.
The next Management Committee meeting
will be held at
10.30 am on
Wednesday, 25th June, 2008 at the Fieldhead Hotel,

Scott awarded NCA Diploma.
Scott, former President of the Canary Council and founder member of the Canary Council and
Lizard Canary Association, has been awarded the National Council for Aviculture's Diploma
for services to aviculture over a lifetime of bird keeping.
has been a leading canary fancier for over sixty years, specialising mainly in Lizard
canaries, the oldest of the canary breeds, and has a national and international reputation
as an expert in canary breeding, management, exhibition and judging. Until recently he was
the canary specialist advising Cage & Aviary Bird readers for many years.
addition to the diploma, John's name will also be entered on the NCA's Roll of Honour
which can be seen on the NCA website :

Be Safe AND Save Your Club over
Jim Bannon, Honorary
Secretary & Treasurer of the Yorkshire Canary Club, is delighted to have saved his
club over £100 this year thanks to the new NCA insurance scheme.
Jim explains: "The
YCC, like all specialist
Yorkshire Canary clubs, is affiliated to the Canary Council, one of the four parent bodies
belonging to the NCA. Any
UK club which is affiliated to the Canary
Council, the British Bird Council, the Budgerigar Society or the Foreign Bird Federation
can benefit from this scheme by applying to the secretary of their parent body. I just
filled in a brief form, enclosed a cheque for £45 payable to the NCA and returned it to
the Canary Council secretary, Chris Smith, 61 Eastmead Avenue, Greenford, Middlesex UB6
9RF. As easy as that!".
Barry Mills, Canary
Council Chairman, is keen that as many specialist canary clubs as possible are aware of
the new scheme and take advantage of it. He commented: "This insurance scheme
provides £2m of public liability cover for all meetings and shows held by the club during
the year. Amongst other benefits it even provides cover in the unlikely event of claims
that may arise from the negligence of the club's officers in running the club's affairs.
The reason it is so comparatively cheap is that the NCA with its large membership has been
able to negotiate favourable terms with the insurance company".
Dave Whittaker, NCA
Secretary, wants all CBS and non-specialist or independent bird clubs to know that the
scheme is also open to them if they are affiliated to the NCA directly. "Their annual
NCA subscription is £20 and they can secure the insurance cover at the special price of
£40. So for £60 they get NCA membership benefits and insurance cover for less than they
have probably paid for insurance alone up till now. It represents a very good deal".
Further details and application forms from: NCA
Secretary, Davies House,
Gardens, Northampton NN1 1DR.

Committee Meeting February 2008
The fifth meeting of the Management Committee of the NCA was held on Saturday, 21st February, 2008 at the
Fieldhead Hotel, Markfield, Leicester.
The Committee was pleased to welcome to the meeting well known veterinary
surgeon Brian Stockdale BVM&S MRCVS, a professional avicultural specialist and a
practising bird keeper, who has kindly agreed to act as Honorary Veterinary and Scientific
Consultant to the NCA.
"Brian has vast professional experience of aviculture, bird health and
welfare, in particular bird nutrition," explains NCA Chairman, Sean Fitzpatrick.
"We are delighted to have his expert knowledge at our disposal. His expertise will be
invaluable in our discussions with DEFRA concerning avian flu' and the development of
policies for its control. We shall also be taking advice from Brian on all matters
technical and scientific affecting bird welfare and conservation".
Vice Chairman, Andrew Triolo, referred to his recent meeting with Colchester
MP Bob Russell, reported in C&AB last
week. Mr. Russell is representing the bird keepers' case for a modified policy on bird
movements during avian flu' outbreaks so that blanket bans are no longer applied.
Andrew has also been in touch with north-eastern MP David Taylor, who is
similarly sympathetic to bird clubs who have been badly affected by the blanket ban.
"These two excellent constituency MPs will fight our corner in parliament, we hope,
alongside John Randall MP, a bird keeper himself, who has formed a parliamentary group
concerning itself with avicultural issues.
On the 8th March, 2008 both Sean Fitzpatrick and Andrew Triolo will be attending a meeting in Coventry sponsored by the NCA and the Parrot
Society and chaired by Peter Scott of DEFRA who is seeking to establish the 'English Implementation Group' for
secondary legislation emanating from the Animal Welfare Act. The recently revised Code of
Conduct produced by the NCA is an example of the kind of guidelines that the EIG would be
looking for in all areas of animal welfare.
Secretary, Dave Whittaker, was
able to inform the Management Committee that the new third party public liability
insurance scheme launched two weeks ago has already attracted dozens of applications from
affiliated clubs and from new clubs wishing to benefit from the scheme.
The National Council for Aviculture's Annual General Meeting will take place
at 10.30am on 26th April, 2008 at the Charnwood Arms
Hotel, Leicestershire. Notification and copies of the agenda will be sent to all paid-up
affiliated clubs, parent bodies and Life members.

NCA Supports Campaign for a change in DEFRA policy
At a
meeting of its Management Committee on Thursday, 20th December at Markfield,
the NCA agreed to step up its campaign to persuade DEFRA to alter its current policy on
blanket bird show bans when an outbreak of avian flu is suspected.
welcomes the progress reported in C&AB today with the three MPs asking questions in
parliament about DEFRA's policy and its
devastating effects on our hobby. Letters from the NCA and Canary Council were submitted
to the MPs to support the call for a re-examination of the blanket ban policy. NCA
officers also encourage all bird keepers to write to their MPs to voice their concerns and
demand a rethink.
itself has made direct contact with the responsible officer in DEFRA and requested a
meeting as soon as possible to discuss a way forward which will aid cage bird keepers
without undermining public confidence in DEFRA's ability to protect public health. A
sub-committee of four NCA officers has been formed to take our arguments and evidence to
DEFRA directly.
Package for Affiliated Cage Bird Societies
A new
package of benefits to NCA affiliated cage bird societies was confirmed at the Management
Committee meeting held at Markfield today, 20th
remain at £20 per annum.
affiliated societies can for an additional £40 per annum purchase through the NCA a
specially negotiated insurance policy with Mead Sport and Leisure offering £2m third
party liability insurance for all their meetings and shows each year. Public liability
insurance is essential for all clubs hiring venues for their activities. (See section D3
of the Code of Conduct).
Existing paid-up cage bird societies
will be contacted with full details early in the new year. Other societies wishing further
details should contact the NCA Secretary
at Davies House, Spring Gardens, Northampton, NN1 1DR.
Members of the four parent bodies (Canary Council, Budgerigar Society,
Foreign Bird Federation and British Bird Council) can access the same insurance policy
through their own organisation.
patronage rosettes from each of the four parent bodies.
Exhibitor of the Year Competition in each of the four sections (awarded at the end of the
show season by each of the four parent bodies).
website advertisement for promotion of shows & meetings.
to the three NCA award schemes (long-service badges; Roll of Honour & Hall of Fame)
of all NCA meetings by e-mail or post to paid-up societies on the database.
voice and a vote at the AGM and EGM
(with written authorisation from paid-up societies).
right to raise any avicultural issue in writing at any time with the Management Committee
and a guarantee to receive a written response within 21 days of the next Management
Committee meeting.
NCA Code of Conduct as a framework to assist clubs in protecting themselves from external
criticism and/or legal action.
to specialist legal advice (costs
to be met by the club/society itself).
through the NCA with DEFRA and other national bodies.
voice through the NCA and all four parent
bodies in C&AB.
NCA MC 20-12-07 press release

Moving Forward - 16th August 2007
The National Council for
Aviculture Management Committee held its second meeting on 1st August, 2007 at the
Fieldhead Hotel in Markfield. Progress was reported in a number of significant areas.
Firstly, Ghalib Al-Nasser,
who was appointed Website Controller at the first meeting of the Management Committee on
26th May, confirmed that the planned new NCA website would be ready to go on line by
mid-August. This will provide information about the organisation, its
activities and services offered to members. Website address http://www.nca.uk.net
Chairman, Sean
Fitzpatrick, reported on his recent meeting with DEFRA and other companion animal
societies regarding the Animal Welfare Act and its implications for hobbyists. The NCA had
anticipated the call for a new look at codes of conduct for animal welfare by appointing a
sub-committee at its first meeting to review and simplify the existing Code of Conduct for
Bird Keepers to make it relevant to the changed circumstances occasioned by the Animal
Welfare Act. A revised and more user-friendly Code of Conduct will be completed and
published on the NCA website by the end of September. The new code will be reviewed
annually and amended appropriately whenever legislation requires change.
The NCA is to invite
Graham Thurlow of DEFRA to attend its next Management Committee meeting to discuss in
detail the implications for us of the Government's animal welfare strategy and the
development of the NCA's role in representing bird keepers effectively with DEFRA.
Treasurer, Glynn Woollam,
submitted a written report detailing the state of the Council's various bank and building
society accounts. After the complications following the death of our previous treasurer,
Glynn has now established the full extent of the NCA's financial assets and procedures for
managing them. The Council's financial situation is sound and we can plan future
developments and activities with confidence.
The Management Committee
agreed to continue the three levels of awards currently open to NCA affiliated societies
i.e The Hall of Fame, The Roll of Honour and the long-service badges. Badges will now be
issued free of charge to members of affiliated societies. Details of the schemes and how
to apply for them are on the NCA website.
The Secretary, Dave
Whittaker, reported that negotiations with a large insurance company were well advanced to
secure a deal that would offer £2m public liability insurance to NCA affiliated societies
for their shows and meetings at a very competitive premium. The NCA's new structure
comprising all the affiliated specialist societies of our four parent bodies plus cage
bird societies puts us in a stronger bargaining position when setting up such deals for
the benefit of our members. An announcement on this will be made at the next meeting.
Arrangements were
confirmed for the continuation of our legal advice service and the appointment of a new
NCA Veterinary Advisor.
Requests for an NCA
presence at society meetings, shows and conferences require that more members of the
Management Committee take on this role. Vice-Chairman, Andrew Triolo, is currently putting
together a presentation programme, which will support speakers who undertake these
engagements. The NCA, British Bird Council, the Canary Council and Foreign Bird Federation
will all have stands at the "Bird Show of the Year" to be held at Stafford on
14th October. The NCA will also be represented at the Budgerigar Society show in Doncaster
on 29th-30th September, 2007.

NCA Launches New Website 11/08/2007
the second meeting of the NCA's new Management Committee on 1st August, we are
pleased to announce the launch of our new website which can be found at this address: http://www.nca.uk.net
site is in its early stages and will be expanded over the next few months to cover the
broad range of activities in which the NCA is involved. For the present, visitors to the
site are given an introduction to the NCA officers, its constitution, its three awards
schemes and information about its four parent bodies:
The British Bird Council, The Budgerigar Society, The Canary Council and the
Foreign Bird Federation plus links to their websites.
Societies of the four parent bodies and NCA-affiliated Cage Bird Societies can also have
their own links to the new site making a cyber network covering a huge range of bird
varieties and contacts for bird keepers everywhere.
Website Controller Ghalib Al-Nasser, has plans for future developments on the website: "In
addition to the standard information about the organisation and its member societies we
are planning to publish in the near future the revised Code of Conduct for Bird Keepers on
which a sub-committee is currently working, plus
regular reports on NCA meetings and activities. We are putting together a package of
services for our affiliated societies which will include a competitively-priced scheme
offering £2m public liability insurance for club shows and meetings."
keepers who are members of our parent bodies or affiliated cage birds societies are
welcome to contact Ghalib regarding the website at the following address: al-nasser@ntlworld.com

General Meeting 2007
The National Council for Aviculture
held its
AGM on
Saturday, 28th
April, 2007
at Markfield, Leicestershire.
The chairman, Sean Fitzpatrick
(British Bird Council) commenced the meeting at
11 am by welcoming the delegates and members
attending what was a landmark meeting for the NCA.. A working party has spent many days
over the past year compiling a revised constitution, which restructures the NCA to enable
more efficient and effective management of the Council's business for the benefit of its
members. Such a revision can hardly be expected to please everyone but the chairman hoped
that it would satisfy the majority and that during discussion of the constitution prior to
a vote on its acceptance or rejection members would maintain a constructive and
co-operative approach. Copies of the proposed new constitution had been circulated to the
membership in the month before the
Before the main agenda item there
were a number of other tasks to be completed and reports to be made. The Chairman was
pleased to be able to present to Mr.F.D. Norton, a Canary Council delegate who has served
on the NCA committee since its earliest years, an inscribed medallion commemorating his
status of Honorary Life Vice President of the NCA. in recognition of his many years of
loyal and valued service to the organisation for the benefit of its members.
The Treasurer, Glynn Woollam (Foreign
Bird Federation), presented a summary of the NCA's financial situation, which remains
healthy. The untimely death of former President and Treasurer, Percy Jacobs, has created
some difficulties with the bank and building society in
transferring signatories for and access to the various investment and current accounts
held by the NCA. For this reason he was unable to give a full report on 2006 at this
stage. He was able to report on all monies received and paid out since he took over the
post on
January, 2007 and these with the various sums held
in bank and building society accounts were detailed on a balance sheet presented to the
meeting. The balance sheet was accepted by the meeting and the Treasurer thanked for his
The Membership Secretary, David Paine
(Zebra Finch Society), reported that to date he has received subscriptions from 80
individual members, one junior member, an additional Life Member (now 64 in total) and 79
affiliated societies. Subscriptions are due by 31st March but in practice many
are received in the weeks after that date. Clearly, in this time of transition following
the retirement of former Administrator, Brian Hughes, and the introduction of a new
structure and management committee, the NCA's profile had suffered and people were waiting for a
renewal of services and support offered to members. It is hoped that membership will
increase substantially through the proposed arrangement for members to gain NCA membership
through their local affiliated CBS or through one of the four parent bodies comprising the
management committee i.e. The
British Bird Council, The Budgerigar Society, The Canary Council and the Foreign Bird
Federation. NCA funding will come from the four parent organisations and from the
affiliated CBSs.
Discussion of the proposed new
constitution took up the bulk of the meeting. There were many questions on detail and
queries regarding representation on the management committee
which will be comprised of four delegates from each of the parent
organisations. It was stressed that all members will maintain the right to present ideas,
propositions, objections, questions and requests in writing to the management committee at
any time and these will be given full consideration and appropriate response. All member
organisations and existing Life Members will have the right to speak and vote at AGMs and
EGMs. In fact, any positive suggestions for improving the profile, performance and
continuing development of the NCA will be welcomed. After every management committee
AGM or EGM a report
summarising the business of the meeting and likely topics for next planned meeting will be
sent to all member organisations and also published on the new NCA website which is due to
be established in the next few weeks.
In summing up the discussion prior to
the vote the chairman said: "The new constitution is a first major step in the
revival of the NCA. It will require regular review and elements of it will be improved or
developed as time goes by but until it is adopted progress will be limited". The vote
that followed achieved more than the two-thirds majority in favour required for the new
constitution to be accepted and adopted.
Under Any Other Business:
Dennis Norton, Honorary Life Vice
President, proposed a vote of thanks to all those who had contributed many hours of effort
and many miles travelling to working party meetings over the past year to produce the new
Several members present expressed the
view that, now the constitution has been adopted, the NCA needs to move forward
purposefully and promote aviculture to the best of its ability.
A "webmaster" has been
found to set up the new NCA website with a new domain name and with links to all the
affiliated societies who have websites. This will be a major new means of communication
with all our members.
The Code of Conduct remains subject
to amendment and development and written submissions to assist in this should be sent in
the first instance to the chairman.
The management committee will meet at
10.30am on
26th May, 2007 and elect officers for
the coming year and allocate roles and responsibilities. In dealings with DEFRA, nominated
officers will attend meetings and report back.
The date of the next
AGM will be
26th April,
The chairman thanked everyone for
their attendance and their useful contributions to what had been a long but productive
AGM. The meeting closed at

New Start for NCA
Management Committee
At its first
meeting held on Saturday, 26th May in Northampton the new NCA Management Committee elected the following officers:
President: Dennis Norton (Canary Council)
Honorary Vice Life Presidents: Brian Hughes
(former Administrator), Dennis Norton (former Vice Chairman), Charles Woolley (former
Chairman: Sean Fitzpatrick (British Bird
Vice Chairman: Andrew Triolo (Canary Council)
Secretary: Dave Whittaker (Budgerigar Society)
Treasurer: Glynn Woollam (Foreign Bird
administrative functions were assigned as follows:
Minutes Secretary & Publicity: Barry Mills
(Canary Council)
Website-controller: Ghalib Al-Nasser
(Budgerigar Society)
Website-Technician: Terry Tuxford
Awards Panel: Sean Fitzpatrick , Barry Mills,
Dave Whittaker, Glynn Woollam.
Terms of
reference for each of the above posts were
agreed and adopted for the coming year with the aim of adapting and amending them in the
light of experience and appending them to the constitution at the 2008 AGM.
The Treasurer
presented a written update of the NCA's financial situation. Dealings with the Alliance
& Leicester and The Halifax regarding the
transfer of signatories should be completed by the date of the next Management Committee's
meeting in August and finances can be planned
with confidence thereafter.
It was agreed
that all annual subscriptions to the NCA (currently £20 for affiliated societies) be sent
in future directly to the Treasurer:
Glynn Woollam,
NCA Treasurer, 44 Trentham Road, Wem, Shropshire SY4 5HN.
All other
communications should be made in writing to the Secretary :
Dave Whitakker,
NCA Secretary, Davies House, Spring Gardens, Northampton NN1 1DR.
A new NCA
e-mail address will be published in the near future.
contact only can be made by telephone to the
Chairman, Sean Fitzpatrick :01709 528258.
The Way Forward
The new
constitution marks a fresh start for policies based upon our agreed objects.
The Code of Practice adopted as "a work in progress" at the time of
the first viral and avian flu outbreaks and before the arrival of the Animal Welfare Act
is now ready for radical overhaul. A sub-committee comprising one representative from each
of the parent bodies is to consult as widely as possible and report back with
recommendations to the next Management Committee in August. The aim is to produce a
revised Code that centres on bird welfare and is much more user friendly for general bird
keepers, exhibitors and show organisers. It will include a complete revision of
bio-security measures. Submissions towards a rewriting of the Code will be welcome from
any quarter. Please direct your comments, requests, suggestions, advice in writing to: Sean Fitzpatrick, NCA
Chairman, 13 Brunt Road, Rawmarsh,
Rotherham S62 5EW.
Affiliated Society package: it was agreed to
develop services available to our affiliated societies
to include show rosettes, awards, possible standard show classifications,
insurance scheme for public liability, meetings and shows, and legal advice. Other ideas
also to be investigated.
An NCA Veterinary Officer to be appointed to advise on all veterinary matters.
DEFRA representation. The NCA to take pro-active
role in developing contacts with DEFRA and ensuring our involvement with all government
matters affecting aviculture. Representation on other public bodies also to be pursued
e.g. The Companion Animals Forum.
NCA Role in the wider world of aviculture: A
policy of cultivating positive relationships with other bird organisations at home and
abroad for the ultimate benefit of the fancy.
Review of NCA profile and image: A new look and a
new logo to be adopted and employed on the new
website, all written correspondence , regular reports in Cage & Aviary Birds and to
our membership directly.
The Chairman,
Sean Fitzpatrick closed the five hour meeting by thanking everyone for their contributions
and for the amicable way in which the substantial amount business had been conducted.
Every Management Committee member left the meeting with at least three assignments to
complete by the next meeting to be held at Markfield on 1st
August, 2008.
