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Application for Club Affiliation & Public Liability Insurance Cover
Your current policy is valid until 16th February 2025. The new policy application form will be available here in February 2025

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Response to the DEFRA Consultation on the Registration of Bird Keepers

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From One Secretary to Another

As Secretary and Treasurer of The National Council for Aviculture I want to pass on some good news to the secretaries of   all our loyal members who affiliated to the NCA in 2022 and took out Public Liability Insurance with us. As part of the NCA’s commitment to the fancy after the challenges posed by the Covid pandemic we are offering FREE affiliation and PLI insurance cover for 2023 only to all those loyal clubs who paid their £60 in 2022.

The NCA has already purchased the insurance cover for you all at a cost of £5000. All you have to do is download from our website (  the updated 2023 application form for affiliation and insurance (remember to refresh your computer to get the updated form by clicking on the circular arrow at the top lefthand corner of your PC) and complete your details on it and return it to me either by email (or post enclosing an S.A.E. for the insurance certificate) BUT without a cheque!

If you are applying without having been part of the scheme last year you will need to return the form with S.A.E. and a cheque for £60 in the normal way.

Some societies are still using old forms from 2021 or 2022. Again, you need to refresh your computer to get the 2023 form. Some have also sent a cheque for £20 thinking that only the insurance is free and wanting to pay the affiliation and others using the old forms sent the full £60 cheque. In all such cases where you paid your £60 in 2022 I have destroyed the unnecessary cheques you sent to me this time.

The 2024 insurance form will be uploaded on the NCA website in late December so please remember to refresh your computer first to print the 2024 form. There will be an increase in the premium as our insurance broker has already increased their premium in 2023 just as we were giving free cover. However, the increase will be kept to a minimum.

May I also inform you that our Annual General Meeting will be held on 1st April, 2023 at 2pm in the Fieldhead Hotel, Markfield Lane, Markfield, Leicestershire LE67 9PS. Representatives from all paid-up affiliated clubs are welcome.

Good luck with all your activities in the year ahead and let us  all do our bit to get the bird fancy well and truly back on its feet in 2023.

Kind regards

Ghalib Al-Nasser

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 NCA Privacy Policy

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