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Application for Club Affiliation & Public Liability Insurance Cover
Your current policy is valid until 16th February 2025. The new policy application form will be available here in February 2025

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Report on the National Council for Aviculture’s 2022 Annual General Meeting and subsequent management committee meeting held at the Charnwood Arms Hotel, Coalville, Leicestershire on Saturday, 9th April commencing 10.35am

Attendance at the AGM was affected by ill health, clashes of meeting dates and again by Covid. The chairman, Barry Mills, tested positive the Thursday before the meeting and so submitted a written report distributed at the meeting. The Budgerigar Society and Canary Council were fully represented and affiliated clubs were also present.  

President, Chris Smith, took over the chair, and took the meeting through the minutes of the 2021 AGM which were accepted as a true record and there were no matters arising.

The Secretary read the Chairman’s written report which thanked everyone for attending and acknowledged the continued hard work of the Council’s officers, particularly the Secretary/Treasurer, Ghalib Al-Nasser, and President, Chris Smith. He directed the attention of delegates to a number of agenda items including finance, support of the National Exhibition on 2nd October and the future of the NCA itself.

Treasurer’s Report and Approval of the Balance Sheet. Ghalib Al-Nasser presented the Balance Sheet, which showed a higher profit than in 2020. The increase was mainly due to paying less for the insurance due to fewer societies applying for the PLI because of the pandemic. However, the cost for buying the insurance from the broker has risen from £47 to £50 per Society commencing from 2022. Our financial situation remains strong and the Balance Sheet was approved unanimously.


The Treasurer read out a letter from the Auditor suggesting ways to utilise some of the large amount that the NCA have accumulated for the benefit of the fancy.  After discussion it was proposed and passed unanimously that we give free insurance in 2023 to all clubs who applied for the PLI in 2022. This will cost the NCA in the region of £4k - £5k.


Secretary’s Report. Ghalib Al-Nasser read out his report that he had sent to all the paid-up affiliated societies for 2022, with the AGM agenda.


“Where did those 3 years since our last physical AGM back in 2019 go? It was certainly a very hard 2 years we all had to endure through Covid.


Since the last AGM, held by zoom last May, the Management Committee has met once (16th February) by zoom. Main topics were Finances, Foreign Bird Federation, CBS Liaison Officer and the presidency term. Some of those topics form part of the AGM Agenda.


Like all societies around the country our activities during last year have been very minimal but we kept ticking over, as they say. After the tremendous uptake on the Public Liability Insurance Scheme in 2019 resulting in 193 societies taking up the affiliation and insurance, those figures were extremely low during 2020 resulting in a refund by the Insurance company. The 2021 season was slightly better and so far in 2022 78 societies have applied for the insurance scheme. The NCA buy the bulk insurance scheme from the insurance broker MEAD at £50 per society and with the cost of the 4 rosettes and postage that we send to each affiliated society the total cost amounts to about £58 and we only charge each society £60.


Election of Officers – The following NCA Officers were elected and passed unanimously:

Vice Chairman: Chris Smith

Secretary/Treasurer: Ghalib Al-Nasser

Minutes Secretary: Ghalib Al-Nasser

Publicity Officer: Barry Mills

Awards Panel: the whole Management Committee


President for 2022 – In view of the Covid situation it was agreed we should now look towards having the presidency role for 2 years rather than annually.

It was agreed to extend Chris’s presidential role for another year till the 2023 AGM.


Election of President-Elect for 2022. Ghalib Al-Nasser was already elected to this role at last year’s AGM so he will serve in that capacity for 2022 and will become the President in 2023.


To Receive the Names of the Management Committee. The following names were put forward:


BS:     Ghalib Al-Nasser, John Cosby, Terry Tuxford, Chris Snell.

CC:    Chris Smith, Keith Ferry, Saviour Camilleri.


The Secretary read out a letter that he received from Dennis Webster which highlighted reasons for his decision to step down from the NCA Management Committee. Main reasons were due to arthritis in his hands and wrists that are getting worse making it difficult to take notes for minutes, travelling long distances which has now forced him to reduce his stock and bird society positions. The current demise of the FBF did not help but he thanked the MC and had enjoyed his time serving on the NCA MC and wished all concerned best wishes for the future.


Similar email received from Robb Brown highlighting similar problems of lack of members to help within the British Bird Council who will continue to affiliate to the NCA but will not be able to send delegates to meetings unless it involves important matters that are appertaining to the British Bird Fancy.


Both Barry Mills and Dennis Webster had written to all the seven FBF affiliated societies asking for support but to no avail.


It was agreed to leave the door open for 12 months for both the BBC and FBF to send any delegate before a final decision is taken. Any ideas will be helpful.


To Elect the Auditors. Paul Tiller FCCA was again elected to be auditor for the NCA.


CBS Liaison Officer - Ghalib informed the meeting that Keith Barker was not able to carry on with his full duties of CBS Liaison Officer but was willing to promote the NCA in the north east and Scotland. This was agreed with much appreciation


NCA Stand at Exhibitions – It was agreed to have the NCA stand at the following:

Parrot Society Summer Show

Stafford Spring Show in March

The National in October

We continued to support the National Exhibition last year with £320 prize money and rosettes divided equally for the Best in each of the 5 sections. The management committee decided at its meeting to increase this sum to £600 for 2022.

National Exhibition - Rosettes and cash specials. Rosettes will be awarded in all five sections of the National Exhibition and prize money is increased as follows:

£50 Best Canary, £30 2nd best canary, £20 3rd best canary.

£50 Best British, £30 2nd best British, £20 3rd best British.

£50 Best Foreign, £30 2nd best foreign, £20 3rd best foreign.

£25 Best Zebra Finch, £15 2nd best zebra finch, £10 3rd best zebra finch.

£25 Best Bengalese, £15 2nd best Bengalese, £10 3rd best Bengalese.

£30 Best Champion Budgerigar.

£30 Best Intermediate Budgerigar.

£30 Best Novice Budgerigar.

£10 Best Colour Budgerigar.

£20 Best Junior Canary

£20 Best Junior British

£20 Best Junior Foreign

£20 Best Junior Zebra Finch or Bengalese Finch

£20 Best Junior Budgerigar

On behalf of the Canary Council, Chris read out a letter received from our Chairman Barry Mills who in turn received an official letter from the FFF with the main part being “Fife Fancy Federation (FFF) wishes to be acknowledged by the Canary Council & NCA as the only recognised governing body for the Fife Fancy Canary within the UK and then, if accepted in Europe, through the NCA and COM”.

This came about from the division that was created recently in the Fife Fancy whereby another group by the name of the Fife Canary Council (FCC) are in opposition to the FFF.

Keith Ferry agreed with the sentiment of the letter and for the FFF to be acknowledged as the parent body affiliated to the Canary Council but suggested that we should not be too hard if the FCC want to use the FFF standard.

It was agreed unanimously, that we should only accept societies that are affiliated to our parent bodies and their pictorial ideals can be used by other groups.

Subsequent to this meeting and a joint statement made by the chairmen of the FFF and FCC on Facebook which indicated a desire to reduce animosity within the Fife fancy, the Canary Council accepted an application to affiliate from the FCC in the hope that in the months ahead a joint solution to the rift can be worked at. The Canary Council could provide a forum for that to occur.


The Portuguese Harlequin Facebook group asked the NCA for assistance with the type of show cage that they need to use for their breed. At the Canary Council AGM on Sunday it was agreed that either the Colour canary show cage or the white continental show cage could be used. The Canary Council recommended that the Harlequin Facebook group form a Harlequin Canary Club and choose their own preferred show cage.


COM-UK (the federation between the NCA and IOA) had a similar low-key period as we had no World show to attend in 2021 and 2022 due to cancellation and of course restriction with movement of birds due to Brexit. We are all looking forward to the COM 2023 World Show to be held in Italy again (venue to be decided) and hopefully the DEFRA restrictions are less stringent from what they are now so that we can participate at the show. The President, Chris Smith, said that the situation with bird movement is imposed upon us by the EU which DEFRA supported and quarantines to be applied. Meetings with DEFRA continue but any legislation is slow coming and has to go to Parliament for approval and an import/export license is needed.


To Determine the Rate of Subscription for 2023. It was agreed that subscriptions would remain the same as for 2022.


There being no other matters referred from affiliated clubs or the management committee the Date and Venue of the 2023 Annual General Meeting was agreed as Saturday 1st April 2023 at the Charnwood Arms Hotel if this was available.

What’s Next?   Be sure you are covered!

What with Omicron and avian flu the 2021 show season ended somewhat patchily and ahead of schedule, but it was great to be able to meet up again and to have the National back on and many other shows in the weeks after it.

The situation remains uncertain early in 2022 but the government appears determined to avoid further lockdowns and given the success of the vaccination and booster programme we are being encouraged to adjust again to “normality”, albeit it with caution. It seems likely, therefore, that club meetings and shows will be going ahead from the Spring and clubs will need to plan accordingly.

Whether as individual clubs you choose to maintain sensible precautions e.g., masks indoors etc. will be your decision. However, if you start your normal club activities again – and we hope you will – please be sure you are covered by Public Liability Insurance, all £5m of it.

To that end the National Council for Aviculture’s Public Liability Insurance scheme is running again and is due now for renewal. Club secretaries can download an application form from the NCA website ( The cost of NCA subscription and PLI cover remains the same as last year at £60. This covers all your meetings, shows and fundraising events but NOT Sales Days. Further information can be sought from NCA Secretary, Ghalib Al-Nasser, Evenstar, Pinkuah Lane, Pentlow, Essex CO10 7JW. Email: .

Be prepared!

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