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Past Service and Future Prospects :  NCA Awards

While the coronavirus pandemic has forced most clubs and organisations to abandon annual shows and put their programmes on hold until 2021 others have broken new ground and staged exhibitions on-line and held their meetings on Zoom or other platforms. Many club secretaries have been working overtime keeping the communications going with their members mainly through telephone or email. Some have used the lockdown and subsequent periods of restricted activity to take stock of their clubs’ situation and reflect on their past achievements or perhaps even plan for the future when we aviculturists along with the rest of the world can return to something closer to our normal routines.

One organisation which has taken a good hard look at itself is the North Eastern Lizard Canary Club. In so doing it has come to realise the considerable achievements of four of its long-serving members which it rightly wishes to see acknowledged via the National Council for Aviculture’s Awards Scheme. NELCC Secretary Keith Barker and Treasurer John Barker applied to the NCA Awards Panel early in October 2020 for long service badges (25 years or more) and, because of the distinguished achievements of these senior club members, for entry into the NCA’s Roll of Honour.

The first nominee was Alan Jordan who has kept birds for over forty years starting with Crest Canaries with which he had great success as an exhibitor. Later he ventured into Florino Frills and Lizards. Alan’s initial stock of Lizards were from Stan Bolton’s stud. Ill-health in recent years has restricted Alan’s attendance at shows but this has not prevented him from moving his club and the Lizard fraternity forward in the cyber world. He was a founder member of the Facebook site “The International Lizard Canary Forum” which has generated over 1000 members in the past twelve months and aims to reunite the Lizard fraternity.

Another long-standing stalwart of the Lizard fancy is Joe Coakley who started with his favourite breed back in 1972. After years of successful exhibiting Joe joined the LCA panel of judges in the 1980s and in recent years has judged several major shows abroad. In 2016 he became Chairman of the East Anglia Lizard Canary Association and helped greatly in the formation of the NELCC itself.

Ron Hill has been a bird man for more than half a century. His main breeds of interest are Red Factor Canaries and Lizards and he has been a dedicated breeder, exhibiter and judge of both. He has loyally supported several local clubs over the years including the NELCC and was until recently the treasurer of the North East Red Canary Association.

Colin Patterson has been a keen fancier for over fifty years and has kept most varieties in that time. His support of local clubs including the NELCC is exemplary whether exhibiting or judging or helping out in any way, particularly in encouraging new starters to the hobby. His generous contribution to the hobby has already been acknowledged by an award from the IOA of which he is justifiably proud.

The NCA Awards Panel is pleased to recognise the service, dedication and expertise of these gentlemen. Having served the hobby for so many years they each in their own way are still contributing to its future development.

Has your club got members of this calibre who deserve recognition for years of service to the fancy?  There are NCA long service badges available for 15, 25 or 25 years (or more) and entry into the Roll of Honour for those who have achieved something exceptional within the fancy whether through outstanding expertise in breeding, exhibiting or promoting a breed or breeds or through any other activity benefiting the fancy.  See the NCA website for details of how to apply.

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